Social Media Notes/References

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The Scourge of Microplastics Part 7

Microplastics are everywhere—our soil, water, food, and even our bodies. While there's no proven way to remove them from us, we can reduce exposure. Filter your water, clean your air, and avoid plasti... ...more

Social Media Notes/References

February 26, 20252 min read

The Scourge of Microplastics Part 7

The Scourge of Microplastsics Part 3

Microplastics have been found in numerous parts of the body, including the blood, lungs, brain, placenta, and even carotid artery plaques. ...more

Social Media Notes/References

February 06, 20251 min read

The Scourge of Microplastsics Part 3

Bayer Reneges on Promise to Remove Glyphosate from Roundup

In 2021, Bayer, the German company that owns the herbicide RoundUp announced that it would remove glyphosate from its Roundup line of weed killers for residential lawns and gardens by 2023 after payin... ...more

Social Media Notes/References

October 29, 20241 min read

Bayer Reneges on Promise to Remove Glyphosate from Roundup

Federal Court Rules on Fluoridated Water

A federal court recently ruled that fluoridation at current levels poses a risk to children's IQs. Learn what this ruling means, how local communities control water fluoridation, and steps you can tak... ...more

Social Media Notes/References

October 09, 202410 min read

Federal Court Rules on Fluoridated Water

Imported Organics - The Big Lie

The USDA Organic seal isn't as clean as you think. Foreign growers under "group certification" play by different rules, and Big Ag is exploiting it. Meet Bruce Kaser, an organic hazelnut farmer fighti... ...more

Social Media Notes/References

August 21, 20242 min read

Imported Organics - The Big Lie

My Kids Don't Eat Tires! Do They?

Recycled tires have become the top choice material for surfacing children's playgrounds. The majority of high school footballs fields use plastic grass and rubber pellets called "tire crumb" to absorb... ...more

Social Media Notes/References

August 03, 20241 min read

My Kids Don't Eat Tires! Do They?
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